blurred and she felt dizzy and lost her balance easily. She also had chronic
headache. Such symptoms can be a sign of an active tumor.
Her initial test results with the Syncrometer were Positive for ortho-
phospho-tyrosine, Fasciolopsis, isopropyl alcohol, aflatoxin, lead, cadmium
(from copper and galvanized water pipes), mercury (from amalgam fillings),
Salmonella typhimurium. This systemic salmonella infection was probably
what caused her dizziness; it may even have been responsible for activating
her tumor. She was given 6 drops of Lugol’s iodine in ½ glass of water be-
fore leaving the office, to begin killing Salmonella. She was to take the io-
dine dose 4 times a day, after meals and bedtime. She was instructed in tak-
ing the parasite-killing program and avoiding items on the isopropyl alcohol
list as given in the book, The Cure For All Cancers.
She was shown how to use our zapper, daily. A blood test was done. Her
diet was to be free of grocery-store bread and all nuts to get rid of aflatoxin.
She was given capsules of methylene blue (65 mg each) to be taken 3 times a
day and told to anticipate having blue urine. Methylene blue is a very old and
relatively nontoxic dye. It acts as a reversible oxidizing and reducing agent,
picking up electrons from brain cells that need oxidation, then giving them
Jan 26 MRI of brain (magnified)