up again to neighboring chemicals. In this way, the brain’s metabolism is
They sat quietly absorbing their instructions on diet, changed life style
habits, the need for a copper-free water source, and all the supplements to
take. They were overwhelmed. I feared they would not accomplish their
tasks. I decided to use the intravenous route for supplements instead. Unless
we could correct the mental impairment very quickly, the damage would
become irreversible. Or at least, take much longer to reverse than the three
weeks they had come for. It was a fortunate decision since they did not return
the next day. Even the day after that, they had not managed to begin
anything. But they had found copper-free lodging.
On February 17, we reviewed her blood test results together. They were
discouragingly poor. Both BUN and creatinine were too low, showing that
the excretion path for ammonia was blocked and her muscles were not being
fed with creatine. Her liver enzymes were somewhat high, and the GGT ex-
tremely high. This probably reflected aflatoxin damage as also seen in the
rising total bilirubin. Unless this could be reversed right now , it would con-
tinue to rise beyond our capability to correct it. She would soon be jaun-
diced. The alk phos was extremely high also, suggesting lung or intestine or
bone would soon be involved, besides brain.
The uric acid level was too low, revealing the lack of glutamine; glu-
tamine is especially important to the brain. [A failing Krebs cycle could ex-
plain the lacking glutamine since it is made from glutamic acid. At that time
we were not aware that low uric acid also implicates clostridium bacteria
somewhere.] She was supplemented with glutamine.
Her iron level was much too low (38), revealing a toxic copper [and
germanium ] burden, no doubt in her amalgams. A good sign, though, were
her triglycerides and cholesterol. Although they were indicated to be high by
the lab, we knew it to be a good prognostic sign. She needed one. The LDH
was satisfactorily low [showing that her liver could still detoxify Sudan
Black dye].
The remainder of the test results were quite good. She announced that
her urine was blue, as it should be, but that the liver and kidney herb recipes
had not yet been started. Nor had dental work been scheduled—she needed
amalgams removed.
I implored them to comply to perfection and let nothing stand in the
way. They seemed blithely unaware that disaster was imminent, though per-
haps still avoidable, as it is for the camper whose tent is pitched within
inches of a cliff.