had gone undetected before! Many things were possible; we couldn’t take
any chances so we killed them over and over.
January 26, malonate was Negative for the first time throughout his
brain, testing at about two dozen locations. And his mother needed to get
back to work. Ronald could be taken care of by a family member. The staff
and I were very anxious about this new arrangement.
February 21, a month has passed. Ronald is doing well. Malonate, iso-
propyl, benzene, methanol are all Negative. They are watching him closely at
March 5, no symptoms. No crying at night. Sleep is good. Continue
methylene blue. Test results: glutathione (reduced) Negative at cerebrum,
glutathione (oxidized) Positive at cerebrum. There is obvious lack of reduc-
ing power. There is some interference with glutathione metabolism.
I focused on the cerebrum and found mercury, thallium, D-malic acid
Positive, while cobalt, copper were Negative. D-malic acid does not belong
in the human body. There was still a parasite.
We started him on a supplement of glutathione, reduced, 100 mg three
times a day, and this time again identified paper towels as a source of mer-
cury and thallium for him. They agreed to discuss this with his “sitter”. These
would use up his precious glutathione.
March 11, March 28, and April 30, doing fine. Still his affectionate self.
July 27, doing very well. He has been
evaluated and is ready to go to school in fall.
Mother brought latest MRI, done June 19.
Slice number 142 shows a midline that is
straight; there is no evidence of pressure or
edema. Slice 148 shows more normal struc-
ture, too.
July 27, “Ronald” with the
Ronald Hartnett 11/16/95
RBC 4.82
WBC 7300
PLT 275
glucose 85
BUN 12
creatinine 0.7
LDH 189
GGT 83
T.b. 0.4
alk phos 156
T.p. 7.3
albumin 4.9
globulin 2.4
uric acid 5.4
Calcium 10.1
Phosphorus 4.9
Iron 8.0
Sodium 137
Potassium 4
Chloride 105
triglycerides 101
cholesterol 261