The mother was ecstatic and little Ronald beamed: “They had made me
a copy of the MRI for my very own” and Ronald presented me with it. Ron-
ald wanted a picture taken.
December (his last visit). I did not see Ronald myself. His mother
brought in a duplicate of his latest MRI and a good report from his regular
doctor. Considerable healing can be seen on the index which has the side
view. The former disturbance is now closer to the edge. Slice 142 looks even
more normal than six months ago.
Autumn of the following year and Christmas of the next two years: a
telephone call from his family related that he was doing fine at school.
Summary: 1) Was it the absence of metal or plastic in his teeth that
gave Ronald his chance to survive? 2) Was it the absence of IV therapy that
improved his chances? 3) Was it the methylene blue? Should I be using it for
other cancers, too? 4) Was it that lucky mistake with the double dose of
black walnut tincture extra strength that saved his life? One thing is certain:
his family gets top grades for changing water pipes promptly, for getting all
the supplements down him, for never giving up.
10 Jennifer Pinney Breast Cancer
Jennifer Pinney, a young mural artist of considerable note, offered the
clinic some of her paintings in exchange for service. Two months earlier she
had discovered a rather large lump in her right breast. It was 3 inches in di-
ameter right under the center. She had already been on the herbal parasite
program for five weeks when she arrived so she was free of malignancy
(ortho-phospho-tyrosine), but still tested Positive for isopropyl alcohol,
which would prevent the tumor from shrinking. She was also Positive for
asbestos, copper, cobalt, PCB, patulin, arsenic, chlorine, mercury, thallium,
Staphylococcus aureus. These were “whole body” tests with no tissue slide
in the circuit; reflecting on her rather high “systemic” levels of these toxins.
Dec. 11. MRI index. Frame 142.