gave her chocolates and such for Christmas? I wished all cases were this
12 Janelle Ford Breast Cancer
Janelle Ford arrived with her therapist friend because of a Positive
mammogram obtained four weeks earlier. She had brought the mammogram
showing two small tumors, each just under 1 cm long. They had grown over
the past year while “being carefully watched” by her doctor.
Now her doctor wanted to biopsy them, but her therapist wanted her to
change her lifestyle drastically first, in accordance with the instructions in
my earlier book, The Cure For All Cancers, to see if this would work. In
fact, her friend had already started her zapping and taking the herbal recipe.
By the time she arrived, her ortho-phospho-tyrosine was already Nega-
tive (meaning no malignancy) but her isopropyl alcohol test was very Posi-
tive! She was evidently taking something or using some product that had it.
This would allow the growth factor, human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) to
form [as well as isopropylidene ascorbate and isopropylidene nucleic ac-
ids^121 ] which would certainly prevent the tumor from shrinking.
(^121) Clark, H.R., Syncrometer Biochemistry Laboratory Manual, New Century Press,
Nov. 1 mammogram. Oblong white areas are tumors