because “she was going home!” Half a dozen fellow patients jumped up to
oblige her request.
Her new test results (Feb.6) showed great improvements. Her bone mar-
row had finally turned around and was now able to produce both red and
white blood cells. There was still a toxin present, though [we still did not
suspect plastic teeth]. The alk phos was up again. The LDH was its best ever.
The calcium rise showed a toxin in the thyroid again. Albumin was slightly
elevated to keep up with calcium. She also got a final bone scan, which
showed great improvements as well. But not nearly enough to go home with.
Yet, she missed her family. She promised to return if pain would return. And
return it did.
Three and a half months later she arrived on two crutches, feeling well
though, and having gained weight. Another large abscess in the lower jaw
had been found by her dentist at home, but she was too fearful of the conse-
quences to risk pulling it there (she would be put on antibiotics again to re-
place thorough cleaning of the socket).
Her first blood test showed a threatening BUN rise. This was top prior-
ity. It must be contained at once. The kidney herb recipe was started imme-
diately. Alk phos was improved, but LDH had risen.
There was Staphylococcus and malonate in the bone marrow, while
glutathione was absent.
Our new food list of malonate-free varieties was given to her. New sup-
plements were also given, including taurine, cysteine, B 12 , folic acid. And a
solution of white iodine to irrigate her mouth frequently. We gave her new
mineral supplements prepared from yeast varieties. They included molybde-
num, manganese, chromium, zinc, as well as boron.
Her IVs now contained magnesium, vitamin C, Clodronate, DMSO, vi-
tamin B complex and calcium.
Seven days later her blood test showed numerous improvements.
She was once more turning the corner with her bone cancer and bone
marrow function; both RBC and WBC were coming up. LDH was going
down again, a gift from the gods it seemed, as was alk phos.
But calcium was now too high. The BUN was down to normal, but the
uric acid dropped too low. More glutamine was given. Potassium was doing
well now. But iron had dropped. Was there copper somewhere? Indeed, cop-
per was found in the bone marrow. Cobalt, too, was found there [the source
in the new dental plastic was not guessed]. And Staphylococcus, again. An-
other rotten tooth was suspected. She was given 1 dose of EDTA to pull out
copper and cobalt; they were both Negative next day.
She was getting better. She could visit the friends who had taken care of
her earlier. She got her fourth rotten tooth extracted. This time she applied
hot packs and did hot swishes all day from the time she got out of the den-
tist’s chair. She merely smiled when the dentist gave her the antibiotic pre-
scription and put it in her pocket.
We scheduled one more blood test (May 27). Calcium had come down.