A week later, she appeared, breathing almost normally. Her pain was
much less. Had the tumor finished its antics finally? She had enough energy
to take the Syncrometer class. She was here to continue dental work; she
declined any treatment. We scheduled a chest X-ray.
Although expecting a small degree of improvement, we were very sur-
prised to see the shrunk tumor (reduced to three small shreds). There was
much less edema of the lung. Air capacity was much better; this can only be
seen on a front view, not shown.
The former location of the tumor was circled by the radiologist, but
there was no clump of dense tissue there now. Only some fluffy fragments.
This was probably what had given her so much pain between the shoulder
blades and right through the chest. Now it was over. She wanted to leave for
home immediately. But I wanted to see her last blood test before okaying her
To our great surprise, a new abnormality was present—a very significant
one. Her total protein was suddenly very elevated (11.9), characteristic of her
multiple myeloma.
May 15 tumor broken up