What was the cause? Could it be an error? Not likely, since albumin and
globulin are measured independently and then added. [With hindsight, it was
probably due to placing vanadium and/or dye polluted dental plastic in her
mouth. The very things she had so carefully removed from her environment
when she first came. And, of course, the drained tumor.]
Such a blood test result can be expected to take a lethal course. We per-
suaded her to stay over the weekend and repeat the test on Monday. The re-
sults were even worse (T.p. 12.4). She was coughing a lot—a tell tale sign of
heart failure. She was switched to digoxin and off quinidine. She was also
given hawthorn berry, taurine, cysteine, and vitamin C by mouth. She re-
fused IVs. We started her on spironolactone, though, for extra diuretic ac-
By May 27, the globulin level had dropped. Was it due to our supple-
ments, or switching off quinidine, or neither? Strangely, the phosphorus level
was now much too high; this must surely be a lab error. The LDH had
climbed, too. Did this represent new tumor activity or new heart stress? Per-
haps the quinidine was actually a better choice for her; the RBC was begin-
ning to recover, though, as if responding to the removal of quinidine. Still
she refused to go back to her heart specialist.
There was one clue; a rather strong clue. One tooth had been giving her
a lot of trouble. It could be spewing forth staphylococcus bacteria; bacteria
that would go right to her heart. We switched her antibiotic to a broader-
range one and added carnitine and Echinacea to her supplement list. Then
sent her back to the dentist for extraction, not repair.
In a week, June 4, there was no vestige of illness left! She sat in the of-
fice chair like a well person. The blood test bears this out. In fact, she wanted
to go off all medication and “just try it out.” No, no, we cried in horror. She
left for home, promising to be back in three weeks.
We will never know what happened in these three weeks. But she kept
her promise and was back July 1. She related that she had gone into heart
failure, while at home, but had gotten out of it spontaneously, while in the
hospital. Surely, she had used up her extra leases on life! But she seemed in
good health. We found methyl malonate in her lungs, but the Staphylococcus
was gone (the extracted tooth). She declined IV treatment and left for home.
Before she left, she did one more chest X-ray (not shown). The tumor was
completely dissolved now; the heart was unchanged.
Summary: The cancer story was a success, although the remainder will
never be known. We shall remember seeing her colorful hat approaching and
her impish smile.