We reduced Lugol’s to once a day and glutathione to twice a day. We
reconsidered the need for IV therapy with his mother and agreed to keep off
On March 13 and 14, all electronic tests came back as they should.
On March 15, behavior assessment with his mother revealed he was
holding his head straighter most of the time. His behavior had no hint of ab-
normality. All test results were appropriate. They went to visit friends (or
was it the San Diego Zoo?) for two days.
On March 18, isopropyl alcohol was Negative. This is the toxin most
people acquire on a visit away from the Diagnostic Center. His family had
taken good care of him. Malonate was Negative, too. We reduced his glu-
tathione to one a day.
On March 20, patulin was Positive at the thyroid, though not at the cere-
brum. And copper was present at the brain. This was probably acquired on
the recent visit to a copper-plumbed home. We would watch it, before re-
sorting to a chelating IV.
On March 21, patulin was still there but copper was now in the cerebel-
lum, not the cerebrum. Other toxins were absent.
On March 22, copper was still present at the cerebellum. He was still
very susceptible to it, attracting it to the brain instead of excreting it. Would
the plumbing job be complete before going home? He was allowed to have
watermelon and banana as his first fruit now.
During the next week, there was no recurrence of malonic acid or cop-
per. Was he now able to metabolize malonate and excrete copper?
Mar 29 going home, tumor reduced to 4 cm