They were given parting instructions for home and scheduled for a final
scan. He would take a series of Q10, 2 gm doses for 7 days in a row every 6
weeks. On other days he would stay on glutathione, 250 mg, one a day for
one half year. He could go off methylene blue, but stay on vitamin B2, 100
mg a day.
The new scan shows a significant reduction in tumor size from 5 cm to
less than 4. (See scale at right for 50 mm.) Good work, Felipe! Good work
Felipe’s Mom! Now the responsibility passes to his family at home. Did they
prepare a safe environment at home?
A telephone call, months later, related that Felipe was entirely well, had
not regressed in any way. It sounds hopeful.
Summary: we can’t help wondering what made this case so easy. Was
it the absence of any metal or unsafe plastic in his teeth? Was it the perfect
compliance? Was it luck, so he escaped polluted supplements? Was it ab-
sence of IV therapy? Or something else? Till we learn these secrets...good
luck, Felipe.
[Since then his family received the malonate-free food list. They were
eager to follow it. We hope to get a follow up scan eventually.
A telephone call two years later related he was a happily growing
21 Donna Balders Breast & Lymphatic Cancer
Donna Balders, fifty-eight, came with her right arm wrapped in elastic
bandage from the hand to the shoulder. This left the fingers bulging and stiff.
Fifteen years earlier she had cancer in her left breast, which was surgically
removed. But eleven years after that, the right breast developed a small tu-
mor which she did not have removed until two years later when it was 4 cm
across. But recently another tumor had grown, plus an enlarged lymph node
in her armpit the size of an egg. It was easy to see, bulging out. This was
probably the cause of pressure on her lymphatic vessels, so they couldn’t
drain the arm fluids well enough—thereby causing the swollen arm. The
swelling had recently reached her hand. She also had a prominent goiter, a
swelling of the thyroid gland. She was always cheerful, pointing out the
smallest improvements.
Her initial toxin test showed: wood alcohol, benzene, copper, cadmium,
aluminum, asbestos, mercury, thallium, aflatoxin, malonic acid, Shigella
sonnei, Salmonella enteriditis, all Positive. CFC’s and patulin were Negative
at breast, Positive at parathyroid. And isopropyl alcohol was Positive, in
spite of going on the cancer program over a year ago. (Cosmetics or a favor-
ite vitamin supplement is many a patient’s downfall [and now we have seen
that clostridium bacteria themselves make it].)