prevent more bleeding. Perhaps it was responsible for the rather good history
for the platelet count all the way to October 2.
She had brought her own X-ray showing a large lung tumor and much
pleural effusion (water accumulation), but we needed a current one which
she did the same day.
The tumor was circled by the radiologist and lies under two of the metal
pins left in her from a previous surgery. On the other side, the enlarged
lymph nodes (small round masses) were circled, also. The white area repre-
sents air; there is rather little of it, due to “water” accumulation (dark area),
at the base of both lungs. She had been drained of this fluid twice already.
The numerous finger-like dark projections are the bronchioles, much too
prominent due to inflammation and infection. The entire lung looked moth-
eaten on close inspection.
On her first day parasites were killed, the freon removal program was
started and dental work was scheduled. She had very bad teeth. She had quite
a list of toxins built up in her, including freon, asbestos, nickel, and formal-
dehyde, all of which are lung toxins. Just being away from home would help
a lot! The cadmium, copper, aluminum, lead, and mercury would be chelated
out with IVs. That left patulin and aflatoxin for her daughter, Sharon, to take
on. The ever lurking salmonella and shigella bacteria were present, in addi-
tion to malonic acid and, of course, isopropyl alcohol.
Small circles on left are enlarged lymph nodes.
May 4 initial X-ray shows large tumor