As supplements, we started with glutathione, glucuronic acid, coenzyme
Q10, Lugol’s iodine, and taurine and cysteine, specifically to detoxify for-
In five days her chronic diarrhea had stopped and for the first time in
two months she could sleep at night.
Vitamins A and B 2 were added to her supplements. And after seeing her
blood test results IVs were begun. They contained 3 grams calcium, magne-
sium, vitamin B-complex, DMSO, and laetrile.
By May 11 all her dental metal was out. She immediately could breathe
better. The rattling sound of her breathing was gone.
The blood test, May 13, was in agreement. The calcium level and total
protein was up significantly. The big improvement in health could also be
seen in the lowered GGT. But the LDH went up [probably due to azo dye in
new dentalware].
By May 18, she was feeling well enough to walk a mile to a restaurant.
Her appetite was very good; she had lost 20 lb. just before coming and
needed, desperately, to gain weight.
We could stop putting calcium in her IV now, giving her only B-
complex, DMSO, and laetrile. By mouth, we gave chlorophyll “iron booster”
syrup, B 12 , folic acid and vitamin C.
By May 28 her appetite was still good, she was not panting so much af-
ter walking. Yet, her LDH went higher and calcium dropped back down, a
sign of malonate toxicity [and dye]. Both vanadium and cobalt were detected
in her parathyroids. Several malonic acid derivatives were again present at
her lungs. Staphylococcus had already returned, too. We desperately
searched for their sources.
In a week, she began to fail quite seriously. She came in a wheel chair
and lay huddled on her cot while getting her IV, without talking or moving.
We feared the worst. Her family probably did, too. But she found the
strength to point out a painful tooth—just the clue we needed. We hustled
her to the dentist and were very grateful for her acceptance in her condition.
He found an abscess, drained it and cleaned it with Lugol’s, but she would
not allow extraction. Immediately, she became alert and willing to eat. That
was a close call! She had lost weight during this week. To help her gain it
back we prepared the lemon-oil beverage recipe for her. She would get one a
day. She enjoyed it. She got better again. We were all elated. Even Sharon
began to smile. But not for long. The copper and malonic acid continued to
plague her. LDH, alk phos, and iron were going up and down unpredictably.
Was she eating junk food? (That is, off the malonate-free list.) Yes. Was she
not taking her supplements? True. But I was not convinced these transgres-
sions were entirely responsible. It was something more.
By June 25, she could exercise again. She would feel pain over her heart
occasionally, but her arm had long since been pain free and she no longer got
numb spells.