he pleased; especially, since his doom had been sealed. It lay on his lap in
the form of scans and summaries; lung cancer, liver cancer, possibly now the
brain, as well as skin.
His January 2 chest X-ray showed a large tumor, the size of a pear lying
vertically in the right lung. He was put on chemotherapy, but it made him
sick. Besides, it would cost him $800.00 for 20 pills. And it would all be
hopeless anyway. So he had put himself on the parasite program and zapper
on Jan. 6. He also had considerable “infiltrate” meaning fluid accumulation
in the lung tissue.
When he arrived on June 14, he had the appearance of a tired old man,
rather corpulent and quick with the lip. He was losing his balance, needed
someone to help him get about, and had some pain around the lung area, but
he still made quips about all this. His arms became numb for periods of time
and his legs felt tired. His knees were quite painful, but he could still walk.
His initial toxin test showed: asbestos, arsenic, copper, chlorine, cobalt,
formaldehyde, lead, mercury, thallium all Positive. He also had systemic E.
coli and staphylococcus bacteria and, of course, malonic acid. He was given
the parasite killing herbs on the spot and zapped. He was advised how to do
Jan 2 X-ray shows pear-sized tumor