his dental cleanup and sterilize dairy foods. He was given the malonate-free
food list and told to change his copper plumbing, which was also giving him
lead. He was sent out to change his glasses frames to plastic. [We did not yet
know that plastic frames could shed vanadium and dye and also needed
careful washing before they are first worn.]
He was scheduled for a fresh X-ray of the lungs and CT scan of brain
and liver that afternoon. He was given the kidney herbs and all his supple-
ments. No other supplements or drugs were to be taken due to risk of pollu-
tion. He obtained Lugol’s, glutamine, coenzyme Q10, B 12 , folic acid, vitamin
C, taurine, cysteine, methionine, and glycine.
His IV of EDTA was formulated and ready to pull his heavy metals out.
Then Herve disappeared. He was nowhere to be found. He had paid his bill
and simply walked away without even making a follow-up appointment. He
had left his new scans on the desk (not shown). The liver showed numerous
small tumors, the lung had its very large tumor. He had even done a bone
scan which showed numerous lesions in the skull. What were his chances,
we wondered. “Entirely nil” said the pathologist and two assistant physi-
cians. Two weeks to two months was the forecast. We called him at home
just to make sure he had understood we wanted him to come in for IV ther-
apy every day and to monitor his progress by daily testing. He had under-
Twelve days later he returned. We gasped. No faltering gait and stoop-
ing. He said his numbness was gone. We reviewed his earlier blood test with
him. We asked if he was diabetic, since the glucose level was 350! He sug-
gested not to “give it any mind,” since he wasn’t. He wasn’t feeling bad; in
fact, he was feeling better and didn’t want any “medicine”. He brought a new
chest X-ray done June 21, a week after his initial visit.
His LDH showed absence of tumor growth (152)—possibly due to che-
motherapy he had been given previously. The lung tumor, though, was im-
plicated in the high alkaline phosphatase (317). [Research results from the
Syncrometer indicate the dye DAB causes a particular mutation that elevates
the enzyme alkaline phosphatase. (This enzyme controls calcium deposition
in bone.) If alk phos is high you know immediately bones or lungs are in-
volved, and you can expect to find lesions and tumors. Current clinical the-
ory holds that high alk phos is a result of cancer; I see the opposite. But at
this time I was still using alk phos as a tumor indicator.]
The albumin was too high and globulin too low, evidence for cobalt in
the liver. Uric acid was much too low, showing there was not enough glu-
tamine to manufacture purines which metabolize into uric acid. (Other ex-
planations come later.) Phosphate was too high, showing that his bones were
being dissolved at a fast rate, by the high alk phos. But there at the end of the
report were his cholesterol and triglycerides! Especially his triglycerides
were nicely elevated! This would give him a fighting chance. Maybe he
could survive. Maybe his diabetic status would even help. Dying cancer pa-
tients have extremely low glucose and triglyceride levels. Their tumorous