symptoms. Since the surgery she had continued to bleed from the rectum.
She had refused chemotherapy and radiation, since she never had symptoms.
But now a CT scan had been done and to everyone’s surprise the liver was
full of tumors. Some rather large, most rather small.
She had been zapping for a time before she arrived, so the largest tumor
looked a bit cyst-like, rather than malignant. But she still had isopropyl alco-
hol in her system.
Her initial toxin test showed freon at the colon; cobalt at the colon; and
lead, thallium, arsenic, and copper at the bone marrow. Salmonella was
Positive as well as malonic acid. But ortho-phospho-tyrosine was already
Negative, giving her a nice head start to clear these liver tumors. The tumor
marker, Ca 125 was still elevated (61), representing the remaining tumors.
They should be easy to mop up.
She was in good physical health, otherwise, except for an intense tinni-
tus, which was her most troublesome symptom. I thought we could reduce
this considerably, as well. She had brought a recent blood test (Aug. 27) with
her. The main feature was an elevated total protein. The globulin was too
high. Calcium and phosphate were also too high. And her body was defi-
nitely anemic (RBC 3.98).
The high albumin and globulin were due, no doubt, to the presence of
both cobalt and vanadium in the liver. And the source of these must be her
dentalware [and Ascaris], since all her supplements had been tested for these
metals. She used no detergent or washing soda, no cosmetics or medications.
So we did our new “tooth test” for her when she was in the fasted state in the
The radiologist circled several tumors (dark blotches).
Sep 4 CT revealed a liver full of tumors