diameter. He was very worried because his doctors had given him only six
months, even with chemotherapy. That didn’t seem worth it, so he opted for
our treatment. He was extremely nervous. In fact, unwilling to believe the
good news when we told him he was still basically healthy.
A glance at his blood test showed he was not at all at death’s door. If we
could shrink his tumorous lymph nodes and reduce his enlarged heart some-
what, he could probably get back to normal living.
His blood sugar, triglycerides, and cholesterol were not lowered yet,
showing that he was still well nourished; his cancer had not yet consumed
him. He was in time. But he was too anxious to believe this; he would simply
have to experience it. The telltale signs of toxicity could be seen. Creatinine
was a little too high, so kidney function was stressed. Calcium was too high,
showing the thyroid was toxic. And potassium was slightly low.
Our testing showed two clostridium species of bacteria in his lymph
nodes besides Staphylococcus aureus. The cause was obvious since these are
dental bacteria. He must have a mouthful of bad teeth.
In addition to the usual cancer program, he was started on olive leaf
tea—2 cups a day to help shrink his lymph nodes. He was also instructed to
put a hot pack on his lymph nodes at the neck each day with a hot, damp
towel. He was eager to comply and happy with the news, but still disbeliev-
Enlarged lymph nodes on right side; enlarged heart almost
touches the chest wall at lower left side.
Sep 17 terminal diagnosis X-ray a month before