His mouth was full of “restored” teeth. We tested each tooth by scraping
it with an emery board, searching for copper, cobalt, vanadium, and ma-
lonates. Some of them were in very bad shape, anyway, and needed extrac-
tion. He did not object.
By October 22, the benefits of the kidney herb recipe could be seen in
the blood test results, creatinine was down to 1.1. Kidney function was bet-
ter. The malonate free diet and general detoxification had cleaned up his thy-
roid, but not yet his parathyroids, so calcium shifted from too high to too
low. Malonate was still coming from his teeth, as well as copper. He could
see the logic of extracting them and took the plunge. All of the uppers were
removed. He felt better, instead of worse, to his surprise. In fact, there was
almost no recovering to do.
By October 28, his kidneys were even better, which would, in turn, help
decongest his heart.
But calcium stayed low, due, no doubt, to the toxicity of the lower teeth.
His lower front teeth were pristine—he could not recall having any fillings
put in them. Yet they repeatedly tested Positive for copper and malonate
when scraped.
Potassium had come up enough; we could stop his potassium gluconate.
On October 29, one of his neck nodules was not visible and could not be
felt. There were only two now. A new chest X-ray was scheduled. He was
very eager to see if he could really allow himself to hope.
Oct 31 enlarged heart has shrunk