His symptoms actually began ten years earlier with frequent urination.
In the last two years he was getting up six or seven times a night to empty his
bladder. For the last three to four months he also had pain. He had been on
the macrobiotic diet for two years, hoping his PSA would go down. But ac-
tually, it went up. In March last year it was 5. And in December last year it
was 23.2.
The usual blood test and ultrasound of prostate were scheduled on his
first day. He was given environmentally safe lodging with a restaurant
nearby that could prepare malonate-free food and properly sterilized uncol-
ored dairy products.
He had seven or eight root canals, at least four bridges, and some crowns
in his mouth.
He was started on the supplements and cleanses on the first day of his
stay. That very night he had no pain with urination. And there was no blood
in the urine.
On his second day, January 16, we received his blood test and ultra-
sound. The size of his prostate was 5.1 x 6.0 cm and a small tumor was pres-
ent, 1.8 cm long.
His blood test results showed he had serious under-nutrition. His triglyc-
erides as well as cholesterol were much too low. They should have been
closer to 150 and 250. We immediately stressed the importance of fat in the
diet: eggs, avocados, sardines, fish, and poultry.
Jan 16 1.8 cm tumor in prostate