The RBC was rather low, explaining his fatigue. He had a lively person-
ality, full of humor, but he could not express it due to low energy. His WBC
was very low too, showing low immunity. Both problems stem from toxins
in the bone marrow.
His LDH and alk phos were both elevated, showing there was active tu-
mor growth [now we know it is due to dyes].
The calcium level was much too low, which is evidence of toxins in the
parathyroid. Potassium was quite low, too, contributing to his fatigue!
But nothing was extremely high or low, and if we could improve his
nutritional status while removing his body burden of toxins, he would be
successful in dissolving his tumor.
He laughed with anticipation of new found health; he called the mo-
tel/restaurant his paradise, but he was happy to just rest!
On the first day too, we searched for DNA in all his tissues, to be sure
there was no extra tumor growing anywhere. DNA was only Positive at the
prostate (and, of course, testes).
We scheduled him for dental work to extract every tooth that had a large
metal or nonmetal filling. That would leave him only three lower teeth, but
he was undaunted. Onward and upward was his motto. After ten years of a
failing battle with prostate cancer, switching to dentures was not a big price
to pay. He would remind me during office visits: “Teeth is not importante.
Only your life este importante.” Then he would ask “You think you can cure
this cancer?”
“Everybody else cures theirs; so can you, Chris,” was my usual answer.
By January 24 he had all his teeth except three lowers removed. He was
feeling extra good after the oral surgery, rather than convalescent. His mouth
was not even painful.
His new blood test on January 24 showed several improvements. The
RBC, WBC, and platelet count were all up, implying that toxins were re-
duced in the bone marrow.
And his LDH had dropped as well as the alk phos. [This showed that
Sudan Black B and DAB dyes, which are in most plastic tooth fillings were
being removed.]
His liver could now make much more protein. And the calcium level had
risen to normal, showing that toxins were now out of the parathyroid. The
problem had now shifted to the thyroid which can be seen in the potassium
level (5.0, too high).
His triglycerides and cholesterol had come up, showing better nutritional
status. He was trying to eat fat and drink milk (carefully selected and treated)
for the first time in years.
He was planning his trip home as soon as new partial dentures would be
ready. But first he must do another panoramic X-ray to guarantee there were
no leftover bits of amalgam in his jaws and mouth tissues.
He said he felt better than in years. He walked better. There was no pain
with urination, but he still got up in the night every hour! He was started on