clear. Right after the toxic team arrived at the bladder, they seemed to return
to the spleen. We tried 40 capsules vitamin B 2 (12 gm) in a single dose plus
glucuronate (3 x 250 mg) for 4 days running to capture the dyes. It worked.
They finally cleared the bladder.
His third monthly CT scan, November 19, showed no further change in
size of the brain cyst. They felt defeated, but I felt glad. Glad that the 4 doses
of 40 capsules B 2 had not burst
open his tumor cyst and
wreaked havoc and disaster.
Meanwhile, I had obtained
a made-to-order slide of the
brain containing the globus pal-
lidus. Our pathologist felt this
was the true location of the tu-
mor cyst. Perhaps now we could
analyze its contents and monitor
it correctly, instead of simply
using the cerebrum slide. And
we found the cyst at once. Even
the tumor tissue types were still
Positive somewhere inside. As-
bestos, silicone, urethane, co-
balt, vanadium, Sudan Black,
and DAB dyes were all Positive. Clostridium was Positive, Streptococcus
Negative. And the globus white blood cells were ferritin-coated. Zearalenone
and benzene were very high, and their origin unexplainable.
George himself contributed the DNA findings, still Positive, as was
Taenia solium cysticercus. He could find his own acrylic acid, zearalenone,
and benzene, soon deducing they were all coming from the flaxseeds he was
eating daily! He took himself off the flaxseed and was Negative for these a
week later. He noticed that tapeworm stages regularly moved from the tumor
cyst to his optic nerve. But his high doses of special supplements soon killed
them here, only to be followed by another entry.
His latest blood test showed a high (nearly 1.0) ratio of segs to lympho-
cytes, implying a virus. It was the right time to catch Coxsackie virus on the
loose, indeed, both varieties A and B were Positive at the globus and cere-
In mid-December, there was another burst of activity; his cerebrum was
again full of all toxins liberated from the cyst. And the globus pallidus was
now clean. Its white blood cells were not ferritin-coated.
But this only meant that most of the globus pallidus was clean. The part
that was not clean had first to be identified somehow.
Christmas was around the corner and thoughts of home and mother
stirred impatience. The bad job opportunity and anxiety over the upcoming
CT scan contributed. His doctor at home was also impatient to hear about
Nov 19 still the same