squeeze bottle of locally produced honey or maple syrup for
sweetening. Also a very small ethyl alcohol dispenser to clean
fingers (and under fingernails) before eating, and a dropper bot-
tle of Lugol’s.
If you are eating in a restaurant, ask a favor of the server
after your food arrives: to microwave your loaded plate for three
extra minutes. This includes the salad which will now be limp,
but still tasty with oil/vinegar dressing. Then distribute 18 drops
HCl (this is a few more than with home cooked food) over it all,
except in water. Remember to take the Lugol’s at end of your
Kosher foods are an exception
Most foods labeled Kosher had no asbestos, azo dyes, lan-
thanides, heavy metals, acrylic acid, or urethane. They did not
even have rabbit fluke! Does this reflect on superior sanitation
or quality control? Or some mystery-method? How do they do
Going Shopping
Shop for Kosher foods whenever possible. Search for these
symbols: , K,. This still does not guarantee their safety.
Any processed food could still have a solvent residue; that is
why the cancer patient is advised to eat home-cooked food. Ko-
sher food must still be properly prepared and sterilized.
Organic produce has much less dye and pesticide pollution
(benzene) than regular produce. But asbestos tufts adhering to
the outside of foods is just as severe a problem. When I tested
some farmers’ market produce, it was free of asbestos. Search
for organic produce at farmers’ markets. Next best might be a
small corner grocery store.