
(pavlina) #1

WBCs are often “coated” with ferritin in cancer patients. We
have seen that the cause is asbestos lodged in the tissue.
Next, search the immune-disabled organ for silicon and
acrylic acid. If present, search the WBCs of that organ. If the
WBCs are not “eating” these toxins, what will become of them?
Where would silicon come from? Test your toothpaste, furniture
polish, and the bottom of a bakery roll. Where would acrylic
acid come from? Test your cooking oils. Also test foods that
harbor Ascaris stages. These foods also have acrylic acid and
acrolein! Does Ascaris make them?
Conclusion: healthy people may have asbestos in their or-
gans, but it is also in their kidneys and bladder, indicating ex-
cretion ability. Advanced cancer sufferers always have asbestos,
but never in their kidneys or bladder. It is accumulating in the
tumorous organ because the WBCs there have stopped “eating”
it. They have become ferritin-coated.
Ferritin coating is known to disable WBCs. Now we see as-
bestos is the real cause.

Exp. 10 Tumor Shrinking

Purpose: to observe (electronically) a tumor regressing.
Materials: DNA and tissue samples used in Experiment 2,
various types of tumor tissue like acute granulocytic leukemia,
acute monocytic leukemia, acute myelomonocytic leukemia,
adenocarcinoma of breast, adenocarcinoma of colon, carcinoma
of colon, fibroadenoma of breast, fibrocystic disease of breast,
hemolytic anemia, hepatoma of liver, Hodgkin’s disease in
spleen, Hodgkin’s granuloma, malignant melanoma of skin,
mesothelioma, metastatic carcinoma of liver, oat cell carcinoma,
villous adenoma of colon (Carolina Biological Supply), acute
lymphatic leukemia, breast carcinoma, hairy cell leukemia, kid-
ney carcinoma, lung carcinoma, lymphatic leukemia, metastatic-
liver cancer, myeloblastic leukemia (acute), myeloblastic
leukemia, spleen human cancer, uterus fibroid tumor (Wards),
tumor causing toxins like copper, cobalt (atomic absorption

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