
(pavlina) #1

standards from Spectrum), vanadium (from Experiment 8), or-
ganic germanium (use hydrangea root), inorganic germanium
(from Experiment 3), malonic acid, urethane (Spectrum), as-
bestos , ferritin, acrylic acid (from Experiment 9), and the tumor
causing bacteria (six clostridium species used in Experiment 2).
Methods: find a growing tumor using the DNA test sub-
stance and tissue specimens. Then search for resonant tumor-
tissue types at that organ. Pick one or two tumor tissue types
and search for tumor causing toxins and bacteria in both the tu-
mor tissue and the associated organ. Finally, search for ferritin
in the organ’s WBCs. You will probably find the organ with the
tumor tests Positive to most of the types of tumor tissues, but
the organ does not test positive to the toxins and bacteria. The
tumor tissue, however, will probably test Positive to all the
toxins and bacteria! This indicates the organ has the tumor, and
the tumor has the toxins.
Now comes the exciting part. Start the 21 Day Program. It
will digest away the ferritin, “reduce” iron and germanium (turn
them into good forms) with MSM, kill parasites, remove Clos-
tridium , and keep pathogens away by instructing you to sterilize
all your food with HCl. Repeat your testing once each day. Stay
on the Program for all 21 days, even if you test Negative to
DNA much sooner.
Conclusion: hours after you kill clostridium bacteria, DNA
will test negative, indicating your tumor has stopped growing.
After toxins test Negative (environmental and dental work is
done), within twenty-four hours your tumorous organ will test
Negative for all types of tumor tissues, indicating mutations are
cleared up. But later toxins and pathogens will start testing
Positive in your tumorous organ, indicating the tumor is open-
ing and releasing its poisonous load to the surrounding tissue.
Meanwhile, by day five of the 21 Day Program, ferritin will be
gone, leaving white blood cells free to do their “immunity jobs.”
Test each day to see which toxins are left.
As is emphasized throughout this book, you should do scans
and blood tests as you go through the 21 Day Program. These
should confirm your electronic observations.

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