stomach cancer where bleeding is a risk, use the non-alcoholic
varieties (see Sources).
If you are the caregiver, how often should you do the para-
site killing program to protect your patient? Although the an-
swer is somewhat arbitrary, repeating it once a week is recom-
Zapping Parasites
Zapping is a way of killing bacteria and parasites electri-
cally. You can make a zapping device yourself; the instructions
are given in The Cure For All Cancers; total cost is around
It runs off an ordinary 9 volt transistor battery, and is harm-
less to you. I find it kills parasites and bacteria wherever the
electricity reaches. But some locations that are not reachable are
tooth crevices, the intestinal tract, gallstones, and the inside of
tumors. In spite of these limitations, the benefits can often be
felt with each use! In addition, the benefits accumulate with
each use, whether felt or not. In fact, I have preliminary evi-
dence that zapping can raise immunity by removing the abnor-
mal coating of ferritin on the outside of white blood cells. We
will discuss ferritin coating later.
In the 21 Day Program you are instructed to zap every day.
A “zap” consists of seven minutes of electrical current, a rest of
about 20 minutes, another seven minutes of current, another 20
minute rest, and a final seven minutes of current.
The reason for doing three seven minute sessions is that
bacteria typically emerge from parasites that are killed. After
these bacteria are killed, viruses emerge. So it takes three ses-
sions to kill them all.
You can zap more than once a day or continually if you
wish, but be sure to zap at least once a day. Do this until you are
completely well.