Dairy food is fairly easy to sterilize (page 543) but often
contains traces of azo dyes. For that reason, dairy products are
omitted from the 21 Day Program.
Meat is best sterilized by heat, but a higher heat than you
are used to using. Rabbit fluke stages and Ascaris eggs survive
boiling temperature (212°F/100°C). Even baking seldom raises
the internal temperature of meats or other foods higher than
180°F even if the temperature is set to 400°! (Meat pop-up tem-
perature devices go to 160°F.) This is far from the boiling point.
So to cook your meat safely, I recommend microwaving or
“cooking twice.” Microwaving has other disadvantages, such as
destroying good germanium. The details on food sterilization
are given in the chapter Food Rules, page 517.
If you neglect sterilizing your fruits and vegetables, you can
assume you have Ascaris, tapeworm eggs, and rabbit fluke eggs
again—immediately repeat the parasite program.
Kosher Foods to the Rescue
During my testing foods labeled with a Kosher symbol were
found to be far superior in cleanliness and purity. Canned foods
did not have rabbit fluke. Sweetened foods did not have asbes-
tos. Processed foods did not have azo dye pollution. Even meats
did not have rabbit fluke or Ascaris eggs. But dairy foods, while
free of parasite eggs, often had azo dyes. For this reason, the
ban on dairy foods for the 21 Day Program must stand. Read
more about Kosher foods in Recipes.
Clearing Toxins
The third task is to remove inorganic copper, cobalt, vana-
dium, lanthanide metals, germanium, malonic acid, azo dye,
asbestos, urethane, silicone, acrylic acid, and acrolein from your
These come from three places. The first, your dentalware,
will be cleaned up with the same dentalwork used to eliminate