A glance at the list shows that common food bacteria eaten
at mealtime can find their way to your tumors and to your joints
or muscles, wherever you have pain! Immune protection by
your white blood cells is lacking there.
Normally, even harmful food bacteria simply pass along and
out of the digestive tract. Yet, for a cancer patient they can es-
cape from the digestive tract and enter the body. The protective
lymph nodes and white blood cells in the lining of the intestinal
tract have lost their immune power. You will get it back as you
Until then the bacteria, besides the parasites, found in com-
mon dirt must not be allowed to enter with food and invade you.
They make amines that remove the “brakes” on cell division.
They also make ammonia. Ammonia is extremely toxic to living
cells, giving you fatigue and illness besides. Some bacteria
make growth factors and “cancer antigens” as seen by Syn-
crometer. For a list see The Cure For All Cancers.
If you have extreme pain, or even moderate pain, this is
your clue that bacteria are still arriving. You can assume you are
eating them! Fight back with a two pronged approach:
- Eat sterilized food to stop reinfection.
- Kill those bacteria already present with a daily regimen,
as follows:
Divide And Conquer
- Salmonellas are eradicated with Lugol’s’ iodine solution,
three times a day. In severe pain, a fourth dose is given at
bedtime. It clears up in a day—unless your food is con-
taminated with it (throw out all leftovers immediately). - E. coli and Shigellas will be eradicated by a combination
of turmeric and fennel herbs. - Streptococcus will be eradicated with oregano oil and by
killing the rabbit fluke and zapping. You should, of