cleanse (see Recipes). Fortunately, this serves extra purposes: it
will make your digestion stronger, you will be able to gain
weight, and you will feel better. And fortunately, sick people,
even terminally ill people, tolerate it very well. In about one
thousand cases there have been no emergencies resulting from a
liver cleanse. Follow it exactly including the suggestion to use
ozonated olive oil. The ozonation will reach into the bile ducts,
penetrating many stones and killing bacteria and viruses there.
Four to six liver cleanses with ozonated oil will make a big dif-
ference to your health. Follow each cleanse with vitamin E (100
u, see Sources) the following day to minimize over-oxidation.
Also take the usual parasite killing dosage the following day. Of
course, if you are in great pain and your ozonator has not ar-
rived, do the liver cleanse anyway, with plain olive oil.
How can you know for sure, whether some or all of your
pain is due to gallstones, which is easy to correct? You can do a
simple test: the Epsom salts test. Spasms from the bile ducts
(the excruciating pain) are relieved by Epsom salts. If you have
not taken any food or beverage (besides water) for four hours
you may try this test. If you have eaten, this test will make you
sick because Epsom salts mixed with food will cause nausea.
Wait until your stomach has not had food for four hours. If the
pain level allows you to wait until six PM, it will be a better
Give yourself a rounded tablespoon of Epsom salts in ¾ cup
water. If you sense some relief—it need not be total relief—
spasms from the bile ducts are contributors to your pain. At this
point, you could decide to continue with the liver cleanse since
you have already done part of it. Even if you had food contain-
ing fat in the morning, even if you had pain killers in the morn-
ing (both of which are normally not allowed), there is little to
lose, except gallstones, or an Ascaris worm, and burgeoning
bacteria that are somehow causing spasms.
In advanced cancer the rule of waiting two weeks between
liver cleanses can be set aside. The time interval can be decided
by how you feel. Especially if you are in great pain, you can
repeat the liver cleanse every third or fourth day. You may get