slightly more pain relief each time. As soon as pain is tolerable,
rest your body; delay the next liver cleanse until pain is intoler-
able again or for two weeks.
Another coincidental pain could be from a fracture in hip,
vertebra, or rib. Such pain can be excruciating, and a fracture
should be searched for by x-ray. Nevertheless, it is extremely
painful only if infected with bacteria. Do your dental work as
soon as you are able to sit in the dentist’s chair. Start the Dental
Aftercare program the same day.
Wearing a supportive brace may help with pain, but gives
you the risk of “overdoing” by sitting up too much or walking
too much. There could be sudden collapse of vertebrae or a per-
foration of pelvis by leg bone. These “accidents” will keep you
flat on your back for six months while healing occurs! So I
don’t recommend wearing a brace; you should stay fully aware
of your limitations, real improvement, or worsening.
To heal a fracture, you need lots of calcium, magnesium,
and the bone hardeners: manganese and boron. We also use a
special herbal tea (see Bone Healer recipe and Bone Herb tea in
Pain from friction of a lung sac (pleura) against the chest
can be excruciating, too. Purchase a rib brace to immobilize
your chest as you heal; a rib brace is not conducive to over ex-
Headache can also be severe, especially in brain cancer. If it
returns after clearing up, suspect a new tooth infection. Go back
to the dentist and be extra meticulous with your dental aftercare
(page 83). Repeat the parasite program. Be extra careful to ster-
ilize your food.
Remember, your body is eager to heal and be pain-free.
Be sure to zap daily. Keep bowel functioning well (do a
daily enema, see Recipes).