No government agency can test for all of these mycotoxins in
all of our foods. Production and storage methods must be better
regulated so as to be fail-safe. Simply sending inspectors out to
look into the bins at grain elevators is not sufficient. Crusts of
mold, sometimes several feet thick, that form on top of grain bins
can be simply shoveled away before the inspector arrives. The
humidity and temperature of stored grain should be regulated,
requiring automated controls. This would soon be cost effective,
too, in terms of reduced spoilage losses and higher quality prices
earned. I believe that zear, aflatoxin and ergot require special
regulations. Products that are imported should be subjected to the
same tests as ours. Test results should be on the label.
Getting Away From Grains......................................................
In view of the many molds that are grain-related, and because
these cannot be seen or smelled in pastas, breads, cold cereals, it
would be wise to steer away from grain consumption. Always
choose potatoes, because it is a vegetable instead of a grain, if
you have a choice. The potato appears on your plate the way it
was harvested. Whereas grain was hulled, stored for quite a long
time, perhaps degerminated (the bran and germ picks up
Fig. 54 Don’t eat the green on the potato.