mold the fastest). Then it was mixed with assorted chemicals
(fumigation, anti oxidants), each polluted in its own way, pack-
aged again and stored again. Grains have a more tortuous history
than potatoes that simply get sprayed.
The spray isn't simple, of course. Scrub it off under the tap. If
potatoes weren't heavily sprayed they'd be sprouting in the
stores. The spray accumulates in the eyes. Cut away all the eyes.
By the time you have done this you may as well have peeled
them. But no blemish, no cut, no dark spot inside may be left for
you to eat. Don't buy potatoes that show a tint of green on them
(the green color is due to scopolamine; it is toxic). Red potatoes
have different chemistry that doesn't produce the green toxin, buy
these often. Store potatoes out of the light, to slow down the
greening process. They are still a nutritious, vitamin C-rich
food—provided you don't fry them in benzene-polluted,
hydrogenated grease!
Potatoes have their
molds but they are
nicely visible. And
washing and peeling
does away with them.
Old literature advises
that potatoes should be
harvested by
moonlight so the green
drug isn't produced in
the white varieties.
With modern
mechanized harvesting
this should pose no problem. But perhaps this must await the age
of robots.
Fig. 55 Potato harvest of the future.