Hulda R. Clark - The Cure For All Diseases (1995)

(pavlina) #1

  1. Leave your purest aluminum test substance on one plate,
    and replace the brain sample with these items, testing them
    one at a time. Remember to rest after each positive result.

    • a teaspoon of cottage cheese or yogurt taken from the top
      of a container of a foil-capped variety

    • a piece of cream cheese or butter that was wrapped in

    • a chip of bar soap or a bit of hand lotion

    • a piece of cake or rolls baked in an aluminum pan

    • a piece of turkey skin or hot dish that was covered with
      aluminum foil

    • anything baked with baking powder

    • a carbonated beverage from an aluminum can

Alternative Lesson:
To test for dental metal in your tissues. Use a piece of amal-
gam from an old tooth filling. This tests for the rest of the alloys
in amalgam fillings as well as mercury. If you can't get a piece of
mercury amalgam, use a mercury thermometer (don't break it, just
put the bulb on the plate). Choose tissues like kidney, nerves,
brain, liver, in addition to white blood cells.

I have never dissected human tissues and subjected them to
confirmatory laboratory tests. It seems reasonable that because
skin and tongue are directly provable, that other tissues work

Testing the Air..........................................................................

Fine particles and gas molecules that are in the air stick to the
dust and eventually fall down onto the table, kitchen counter, and
other places. Every night a film of dust accumu-

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