Hulda R. Clark - The Cure For All Diseases (1995)

(pavlina) #1

lates, even though you can't see it. To test for air pollutants,
gather some dust. Wipe the kitchen table and counter with a
dampened piece of paper towel, two inches by two inches
square. Place it in a resealable baggie. Do not get old dust, like
from the top of the refrigerator or back shelves, because it does
not represent the current air quality.

Testing Someone Else.............................................................

Seat the person comfortably with their hand resting near you.
Choose the first knuckle from the middle or first finger just like
you do for yourself. Since you are touching this person, you are
putting yourself in the circuit with the subject.
To exclude yourself, you need to add inductance to yourself.
A coil of about 10 microhenrys, worn next to the skin, works
well and is easily made. Obtain insulated wire and wrap 24 turns
around a ball point pen (or something about that size), closely
spaced. Cut the ends and tape them down securely. Keep it in a
plastic bag, even when in your pocket. A commercial inductance
of 4.7 microhenrys, worn touching your skin also works well. It
can be worn on a string necklace. (Remember to remove the
necklace when testing yourself.) The inductance acts as an RF
(radio frequency) choke, limiting the alternating current that can
flow through you while testing another person.
Test your inductor in this way. Repeat Lesson One with the
coil next to your body. No resonance, even to SALT #1, should
occur. If it does, make the coil bigger. Remove the inductor when
you are not testing others.

Lesson Eight.............................................................................

Purpose: To detect aluminum in the brain of another person.
Materials: same as previous lesson, you wear the inductor.
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