element, A List Is a Sequence, Glossary
element deletion, Deleting Elements
elif keyword, Chained Conditionals
Elkner, Jeff, The Strange History of This Book, Acknowledgments
ellipses, Adding New Functions
else keyword, Alternative Execution
email address, Tuple Assignment
embedded object, Rectangles, Glossary, Exercises
copying, Copying
emotional debugging, Debugging, Iām really, really stuck and I need help.
empty list, A List Is a Sequence
empty string, Glossary, Lists and Strings
encapsulation, Encapsulation, Glossary, Composition, Exercises, Looping and
Counting, Inheritance
encode, Card Objects, Glossary
encrypt, Card Objects
end of line character, Debugging
enumerate function, Lists and Tuples
enumerate object, Lists and Tuples
epsilon, Square Roots
equality and assignment, Reassignment
equivalence, Objects and Values, Copying
equivalent, Glossary