runtime, Debugging, Infinite Recursion, Debugging, Debugging
semantic, Debugging, Debugging, Semantic Errors
shape, Debugging
syntax, Debugging, Debugging
error checking, Checking Types
error message, Exercises, Debugging, Debugging, Syntax Errors
eval function, Exercises
evaluate, Expressions and Statements
exception, Debugging, Glossary, Debugging, When I run the program I get an
AttributeError, Debugging, When I run the program I get an exception.
IndexError, len, Debugging, Lists Are Mutable, When I run the program I get an
IOError, Catching Exceptions
KeyError, A Dictionary Is a Mapping, When I run the program I get an exception.
LookupError, Reverse Lookup
NameError, Variables and Parameters Are Local, When I run the program I get
an exception.
OverflowError, Debugging
RuntimeError, Infinite Recursion
StopIteration, Generator Expressions
SyntaxError, Composition
TypeError, A String Is a Sequence, Strings Are Immutable, Dictionaries and Lists,