mental model, My program doesn’t work.
metaphor, method invocation, Printing Objects
metathesis, Exercises
method, Glossary, String Methods, Object-Oriented Features, Glossary
add, Operator Overloading
append, List Methods, List Arguments, Decks, Add, Remove, Shuffle and Sort
close, Reading and Writing, Databases, Pipes
count, Exercises
extend, List Methods
get, Dictionary as a Collection of Counters
init, The init Method, Card Objects, Decks, Inheritance
items, Dictionaries and Tuples
join, Lists and Strings, Printing the Deck
mro, Debugging
pop, Deleting Elements, Add, Remove, Shuffle and Sort
radd, Type-Based Dispatch
read, Pipes
readline, Reading Word Lists, Pipes
remove, Deleting Elements
replace, Word Frequency Analysis
setdefault, Exercises
sort, List Methods, Debugging, Add, Remove, Shuffle and Sort