Think Python: How to Think Like a Computer Scientist

(singke) #1
split,  Lists   and Strings,    Tuple   Assignment

string, Exercises

strip,  Reading Word    Lists,  Word    Frequency   Analysis

translate,  Word    Frequency   Analysis

update, Dictionaries    and Tuples

values, A   Dictionary  Is  a   Mapping

void,   List    Methods

__cmp__,    Comparing   Cards

__str__,    The __str__ Method, Printing    the Deck

method append, Exercises

method resolution order, Debugging

method syntax, Printing Objects

method, list, List Methods

Meyers, Chris, Acknowledgments

min function, Tuples as Return Values, Variable-Length Argument Tuples

Moby Project, Reading Word Lists

model, mental, My program doesn’t work.

modifier, Modifiers, Glossary

module, Math Functions, Glossary, Glossary

bisect, Exercises

collections,    Counters,   defaultdict,    Named   Tuples

copy,   Copying
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