Think Python: How to Think Like a Computer Scientist

(singke) #1
datetime,   Exercises

dbm,    Databases

os, Filenames   and Paths

pickle, Persistence,    Pickling

pprint, Debugging

profile,    Data    Structures

random, Exercises,  Random  Numbers,    Add,    Remove, Shuffle and Sort

reload, Writing Modules,    I   keep    making  changes and it  makes   no  difference.

shelve, Pickling

string, Word    Frequency   Analysis

structshape,    Debugging

time,   Exercises

module object, Math Functions, Writing Modules

module, writing, Writing Modules

modulus operator, Floor Division and Modulus, Glossary

Monty Python and the Holy Grail, Pure Functions

MP3, Exercises

mro method, Debugging

multiline string, docstring, Syntax Errors

multiplicity (in class diagram), Class Diagrams, Glossary

multiset, Counters

mutability, Strings Are Immutable, Lists Are Mutable, List Slices, Aliasing, Global

Variables, Tuples Are Immutable, Sequences of Sequences, Objects Are Mutable

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