Think Python: How to Think Like a Computer Scientist

(singke) #1
Counter,    Counters

database,   Databases

defaultdict,    defaultdict

embedded,   Rectangles, Glossary,   Exercises

enumerate,  Lists   and Tuples

file,   Reading Word    Lists,  Glossary

function,   Exercises

generator,  Generator   Expressions

module, Writing Modules

mutable,    Objects Are Mutable

namedtuple, Named   Tuples

pipe,   Glossary

printing,   Printing    Objects

set,    Sets

zip,    Glossary

object diagram, Attributes, Rectangles, Copying, Glossary, Time, Class Attributes

object-oriented design, Interface and Implementation

object-oriented language, Glossary

object-oriented programming, Classes and Objects, Object-Oriented Features,

Glossary, Inheritance

odometer, Exercises

Olin College, The Strange History of This Book

open function, Reading Word Lists, Reading Word Lists, Reading and Writing,

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