+360-Questions-and-Answers-For-PMBOK-Guide-SIXTH -Edition

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Aneffectiveprojectmanagerwillhavesomelevelofabilitywitheachofthesecharacteristicsin order
to be successful. Each project, organization, and situation requires that the project manager

  1. Answer: B.

PMBOK® Guide, page 65 , Section 3. 4. 5. 1

Project managers may lead their teams in many ways. The style a project manager selects may be a
personal preference, or the result of the combination of multiple factors associated with theproject.

o Some of the most common examples of these styles include, but are not limitedto:

o Laissez-faire(e.g.,allowingtheteamtomaketheirowndecisionsandestablishtheirowngoals;

o Transactional (e.g., focus on goals, feedback, and accomplishment to determine rewards;

o Servantleader(e.g.,demonstratescommitmenttoserveandputotherpeoplefirst;focuseson
other people's growth, learning, development, autonomy, and well-being; concentrates on

o Transformational (e.g., empowering followers through idealized attributes and behaviors,
inspirational motivation, encouragement for innovation and creativity, and individual

o Charismatic (e.g., able to inspire; is high-energy, enthusiastic, self-confident; holds strong

o Interactional(e.g.,acombinationoftransactional,transformational,andcharismatic).

  1. Answer:B.

PMBOK® Guide, page 68 , Section 3. 5. 4

Complexity as a characteristic or property of a project is typically definedas:

o Containing multiple parts,

o Possessing a number of connections among theparts,

o Exhibiting dynamic interactions among the parts, and

o Exhibiting behavior produced as a result of those interactions that cannot be explained as the
simple sum of the parts (e.g., emergent behavior).

  1. Answer: D.

PMBOK®Guide,pages 51 – 52 ,Section 3. 1

o Projectmanagersandconductorsaresimilar,withregardtomanagingthemembershipandroles,
project managementknowledge, technical knowledge, understanding, and experience of the

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