+360-Questions-and-Answers-For-PMBOK-Guide-SIXTH -Edition

(khatib.arch2) #1
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248.The types and quantities of resources required for each activity in a work

A. Resource requirements.
B. Resource breakdown structure.
C. Organizationalchart.
D. Resource package.

  1. A project life cycle that is iterative or incremental.

A. Waterfall.
B. Adaptive lifecycle.
C. Predictive lifecycle.
D. Progressivedevelopment.

250.Tom, aproject manager ofa largedefense project, isusinga techniquefor
estimating theduration ofanactivity inhis projectusinghistorical data froma

A. Bottom-up estimating.
B. Top-downestimating.
C. Analogousestimating.
D. Parametricestimating.

251.Dawn is a project manager in a successful product launch in Silicon Valley.
She often comes across factors in the planning process that are cons idered to be
true, real, or certain, without proof or demonstration. These arecalled :

A. Constraints.
B. Dependencies.
C. Leads andlags.
D. Assumptions.

252.For smaller projects, what is the supporting documentation that could be
used to support the details used in establishing project estimates suchas
assumptions, constraints, level of detail, ranges, and confidence levels?

A. Basis of estimates.
B. Costestimates.
C. Duration estimates.
D. Resource estimates.

253.A documented economic feasibility study used toestablish validity of the
benefits ofaselected componentlacking sufficient definitionand that isused
asabasisfortheauthorizationoffurtherprojectmanagement activities.

A. Business need.
B. Business case.
C. Benefitsrealization.
D. Case study.
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