Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Man

(singke) #1

Instead of saying, “If you’re dating and sleeping with other
women, I am not the one!” say something like, “I’m always
honest with the man I’m dating; if I feel like I want to see other
people besides him, I let him know up front so that he can
decide if he wants to continue the relationship as is, or ask me
to date him exclusively.”

Tran sl ation : You’ve just told him that you require the man in
your life to be honest and up front about the parameters of the
relationship—if he’s going to play, he’s going to have to let
you know so that you can make intelligent, rational decisions
about how to deal with that. You’ve told him, too, that this is
up for discussion—that the two of you can decide together
what it is you want out of the relationship, instead of having it
dictated to him.

Instead of saying, “If my man doesn’t have God in his life
and doesn’t know how to jog for Jesus, there’s no need in
him even opening his mouth to me, perhaps you can say
something like, “Sunday is my favorite day of the week, be-
cause I get to go to church and fellowship with like-minded
people and exercise my faith. By the time ser vice is over, I feel
so uplifted, I know the rest of my week is going to go great.”

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