Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Man

(singke) #1

Tran sl ation : You’ve made clear that you’re a God-fearing,
churchgoing woman who knows the Lord and takes her faith
seriously, and you’ve opened up the conversation for him to
give his take on how he feels about religion and spirituality.

Instead of saying, “I got three kids and two jobs because
these children’s daddy ain’t worth a damn, so any man
stepping to me better have bank and be ready to raise some
kids the right way or hit the highway, you might want to say
something like, “Being a good mom is really important to me, and
a part of being a good mom is making sure that my kids have a
good father. I’m independent, but I realize how much better it
would be for me and my family if a good man was in the picture.

Tran sl ation : You will have made clear that while you’re quite
capable of taking care of your own children, you recognize the
importance of having a good man in the mix—something that
will make a man who’s willing to put in the work understand
that he will be appreciated for being a good husband and father.
And that’s really all a man wants—a little appreciation every
now and again.

Get the picture? Now, you’ve given us what we think is
valuable information about the woman we’re interested in. But
more important, you’ve told us what your standards are, though

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