Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Man

(singke) #1

. Men. Need. Sex. We love it. Ain’t nothin’ on
this planet like it, nothing else we want that bad on a continu-
ous basis, nothing else we simply cannot live without. Take our
house, take our job, the ’69 Impala, our last pair of gators, but
please—puh-leeze—don’t hold out on the cookie. We don’t
care about anything else; we need the cookie. We need to be
physically engaged with the woman we love, the woman who
is loyal to us and supports us, and the way that we do that is by
making love. The emotional stuff—the talking, the cuddling,
the holding hands, and bonding, that’s y’all’s thing. We’ll do
those things because we know it’s important to you. But please
understand: the way we men connect is by having sex. Period.
It’s how we plug in, recharge, and reconnect. I don’t know of a
man who doesn’t need this. Ask any guy if sex is important in a
relationship and the one who says no is lying. I just haven’t met
that guy yet. When you meet him, let’s get him in to the Smith-
sonian—he’s that special and rare. But the rest of us men? We
need sex like we need air.
You got about a good month at best without it. And then
he’s going to get it from somewhere else (unless you’re carrying
his child). I’m telling you: gangs are built on support and loy-
alty; dudes go out and form gangs built on those two things
right there. The only thing missing is sex, and that’s where the
girl gang members come in. It’s the same thing with motorcycle

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