
(avery) #1
ward off any potential
stomach troubles.
Instead, the doctor
prescribed bottled
water and electro-
lytes, “which have

simple sugars and salt.”
My daughter liked
that. “Oh,” she said,
“like a margarita?”
—Kaaryn Roberts
La Sal, Utah

On the phone with
my 93-year-old brother
in Wisconsin, and I told
him I thought it was
time he paid someone
to shovel snow for
him. He suddenly
grew indignant. “Why
should I pay someone
to shovel?” he de-
manded. “I can get
my son to do it. He’s
only 70!”
—David Groeschel

All I’m saying is, if we
had a dungeon, my
wife would decorate it
with throw pillows.
— @TheBoydP
(Boyd’s Backyard™)

Before heading off to
Mexico on vacation,
my daughter asked her
doctor for medicine to

Scene: A public bus in New York City.
Bus Driver: “Everyone remember to keep
your headphones plugged in. From the
looks of all of you, I can already tell I hate
your music taste.”

“You keep giving me advice when what I need
is herbal tea and lemon bars.”

Reader’s Digest

20 dec 2018 )jan 2019 Cartoon by Phil Witte

in these
United States
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