
(avery) #1

My three-year-old son:
I don’t know what
I want to be when I
grow up.
Me: You can be
anything you want.
Son: (after a few
seconds) I think I’ll be
a mother.
—Mary Lahl
Chaska, Minnesota

Looking for a reason to
chuckle? Three people
share their wry stories:
✦“Today, I met a girl
named Unique,” I said.
“She has an identical
twin sister.” No one
thought it was funny.
✦Today in Latin, my
teacher was trying to
figure out how many
days were in July. I said

  1. He asked whether I
    knew it from a rhyme or
    something. I said yes.
    The real reason I know
    is because Harry Pot-
    ter’s birthday is July 31.

✦Today, I was at
the doctor’s office. Be-
cause I’m a teenager,
I was required to take
a survey about drugs,

Got a funny story
about friends or fam-
ily? It could be worth
$$$. For details, go to


Ever go to Costco only to realize you need a moving
van to bring your purchases home? The women behind
the Instagram account imomsohard understand com-
pletely. This snapshot posted before a recent haul
might make you feel better the next time you overdo it.

**My List**
50lb bag of trail mix that will never get eaten
6 pack of John Grisham books, just because
Box of chicken nuggets 6" too wide for my freezer
Big ol’ bag of spinach that turns into green water
Extra TV
Wine with a handle on it
Chorizo I sampled but will never cook
So much chicken salad, so so much
Bucket of pickles—only thing under $10
Gross vitamins
Wine in box
Magnum of Head & Shoulders for my babe

alcohol, and sex.
It asked whether I
was in a gang. I wrote
“marching band.”

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