
(avery) #1
of the old Peanuts comic strip in
which Lucy asks Charlie Brown,
“Why do you think we’re put
here on earth?” Charlie Brown
says, “To make others happy.”
Lucy then asks, “What are the
others put here for?”
—Mike Adamkosky columbus, ohio

Empowering Others
Growing up with a disability, I was subject
to discrimination and what is now called
bullying. All I wanted was the equal

correct answer, I believe—only an-
swers that are right for you at any
given time.
Great thinkers have given the ques-
tion thought, so you can look to the
words attributed to them for inspi-
ration. Plato, the Greek philosopher
who lived more than 2,300 years
ago, concluded that only “love can
light that beacon which a man must
steer by when he sets out to live
the better life.” Russian author Leo
Tolstoy wrote, “The sole meaning

Martin Luther King Jr. framed the
sentiment as a question: “Life’s most
persistent and urgent question is,
‘What are you doing for others?’” And
the Dalai Lama added, “If we find we
cannot help others, the least we can
do is desist from harming them.”
Others came to the same conclu-
sion, in their own words. For in-
stance, Scottish rugby legend Nelson
Henderson put the notion poetically
when he said, “The true meaning
of life is to plant trees under whose
shade you do not expect to sit.” And
actor Whoopi Goldberg’s meaning-
of-life metaphor was to “throw little

opportunity to pursue my dreams. Em-
powering others to pursue theirs through
teaching, advocacy, and the practice of
law is what brings meaning to my life.
—Cindy Simon wayne, new jersey

Playing as a Team
My husband coaches high school tennis.
In a preseason conditioning run, the lone
freshman, new to the team, was falling
behind. One of the older boys left his spot
with the pack to go back and run with the
new boy, encouraging him not to give up.
To me, the meaning of life includes exactly
this: eyes that see those falling behind and
hearts motivated to do something about it.
—Jenna Filbrun goshen, indiana

Reader’s Digest How to Maintain Your Purpose in Life

28 dec 2018 )jan 2019 | rd.com

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