SGBP Final 4

(mdmrcog) #1



Acute Pain

The most common type of back pain. Acute pain often begins
suddenly — e.g. after a fall or injury — and lasts no longer than 12
Analgesics Medications designed to relieve pain.

Annulus fibrosus Outer fibrous layeroverlapping collagen fibers. Annulus means ring^ of the intervertebral disc consisting of -like.

Articular process

A bony projection, part of which has a small smooth surface
known as a facet. In the spine there are 4 articular processes off
the back of each vertebra – two upper and two lower – that
comprise the facet joints.

Cauda Equina

The collection of nerves that continue beyond the lower end of the
spinal cord, protected by the spinal column. The cauda equina
resembles a horse's tail.

Chronic pain

The less common type of back pain. Chronic pain may come
about suddenly or gradually; it generally lasts for 3 months or

Disc (intervertebral)

A circular piece of cushioning tissue situated between each
vertebrae of the spine. Each disc has a strong outer cover and a
soft jelly-like filling.

Dura mater The outerand spinal cord.most and toughest membrane surroun ding the brain

Epidural injections

Technique whereby a liquid (steroid and/ or anesthetic) is
injected clinically into the space outside the membranes
surrounding the spinal cord.

Erector spinae

The most important extensor muscle group of the back.
Responsible for returning the back to an erect position following
motion. The erector spinae muscles also contribute to lateral
bending, rotation of the spine, and movement of the head.
Facet joints Joints of the spine that connect one vertebra to another.

Gluteus maximus

Largest muscle of the body forming the buttock on either side.
Originates from the back of the pelvic bone and inserts into the
lower part of the thigh bone.
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