Human Anatomy Vol 1

(mdmrcog) #1







Upper limb
Median nerue for 672 muscles and ulnar nerve
lor 1Tz muscles of anterior aspect of forearm.
These are flexors of wrist and pronators of
forearm. Posterior interosseous nerve or deep
branch of radial supplies the extensors of the wrist
and the supinator muscle of forearm. lt winds
around radius (preaxial bone) and corresponds
to deep peroneal nerve. The superficial branch
of radial nerve corresponds to the superficial
peroneal nerve
Brachial divides into radial and ulnar branches
in the cubital fossa. Fladial corresponds to
anterior tibial artery


There are eight small carpal bones occupying very
small area of the hand. First carpometacarpal
joint, i.e. joint between trapezium and base of 1st
metacarpal is a unique joint. lt is of saddle variety
and permits a versatile movement of opposition
in addition to other movements. This permits the
hand to hold things, e.g. doll, pencil, food, bat,
etc. Opponens pollicis is specially for opposition

Median nerve supplies 5 muscles of hand
including 1st and 2nd lumbricals (abductor pollicis
brevis, flexor pollicis brevis, opponens pollicis,
1st and 2nd lumbricals)
Ulnar nerve corresponds to lateral plantar nerue
and supplies 15 intrinsic muscles of the hand
Muscles which enter the palm from forearm, e.g.
flexor digitorum superficialis, flexor digitorum
profundus, flexor pollicis longus are supplied by
the nerves of the forearm. 1st and 2nd lumbricals
are unipennate and are supplied by median
nerue. 3rd and 4th are bipennate being supplied
by deep branch of ulnar nerve. No muscle on
dorsum of hand
Radial artery corresponds to anterior tibial while
ulnar artery corresponds to posterior tibial artery.
Ulnar artery divides into supedicial and deep
branches. There are two palmar arches,
superficial and deep. The supefficial arch mainly
is formed by ulnar artery and deep arch is formed
mainly by the radial artery. Cephalic vein is along
the preaxial border. Basilic vein runs along the
postaxial border of the limb and terminates in the
middle of the arm
The axis oI movement of adduction and abduction
is through the third digit or middle finger. So the
middle finger has two dorsal interossei muscles

Tibial nerve for all the plantar flexors of the ankle joint. Common
peroneal winds around neck of fibula (postaxial bone) and
divides into superficial and deep branches. The deep peroneal
supplies dorsiflexors (extensors) of the ankle joint. The
superficial peroneal nerve supplies a separate lateral
compartment of leg

Popliteal divides into anterior tibial and posterior tibial in the
popliteal fossa. Posterior tibial corresponds to ulnar artery


Seven big tarsal bones occupying almost half of the foot. There
are special joints between talus, calcaneus and navicular, i.e.
subtalar and talocalcaneo-navicular joints. They permit the
movements of inversion and eversion (raising the medial
border/lateral border of the foot) for walking on the uneven
surfaces. This movement of inversion is similar to supination
and of eversion to pronation of forearm. Flexor digitorum
accessorius is a distinct muscle to straighten the action of flexor
digitorum longus tendons in line with the toes on which these
act. Tibialis anterior, tibialis posterior and peroneus longus
reach the foot and sole for the movements of inversion (first
two) and eversion (last one) respectively
Medial plantar supplies four muscles of the sole including 'l st
lumbrical (abductor hallucis, flexor hallucis brevis, flexor
digitorum brevis, 1st lumbrical)

Lateral plantar corresponds to ulnar nerue and supplies 14
intrinsic muscles of the sole
Muscles which enter the sole from the leg, e.g. flexor digitorum
longus, flexor hallucis longus, tibialis posterior, peroneus longus
are supplied by the nerves of the leg. 1st lumbrical is unipennate
and is supplied by medial plantar, 2nd4lh are bipennate being
supplied by deep branch of lateral plantar nerve. Extensor
digitorum brevis present on dorsum of foot

Posterior tibial artery divides into medial plantar and lateral
plantar branches. There is only one arch, the plantar arch
formed by lateral plantar and dorsalis pedis (continuation of
anterior tibial) arteries
The great saphenous vein with pedorators lies along the
preaxial border. The short saphenous vein lies along the
postaxial border but it terminates in the popliteal fossa

The axis of movement of adduction and abduction passes
through the 2nd digit. So 2nd toe possesses two dorsal
interossei muscles




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