Region supplied
Upper part of pectoral region, and skin
over upper part of deltoid
- Upper medial pad (Fig.7.1)
- Lower medial part
- Upper lateral part (including skin over
lower part of deltoid) - Lower lateral part
- Posterior aspect
FOBEARM - Medial side
- Lateral side
- Posterior side
PALM - Lateral two-thirds
- Medial one-third
DORSUM OF HAND - Medial half including proximal and
middle phalanges of medial 2lz digils - Lateral half including proximal and
middle phalanges of lateral 2/z digils
Palmar aspect, and dorsal aspect of
distal phalanges - Lateral 31lz digits
- Medial 172 digits
Table 7.1: The cutaneous nerves (Fig. 7.1)
Medial cutaneous nerve of arm
Upper lateral cutaneous nerue of arm
Lower lateral cutaneous nerve of arm
Posterior cutaneous nerve of arm
Medial cutaneous nerve of forearm
Lateral cutaneous nerve of forearm
Posterior cutaneous nerve of forearm
Palmar cutaneous branch of median
Palmar cutaneous branch of ulnar
Dorsal branch of ulnar
Superficial terminal branch of radial
Palmar digital branch of median
Palmar digital branch of ulnar
Root value
C3, C4
T1, T2
C5, C6
cs, c6
c8, T1
C5, C6
C6, C7, C8
c6, c7
c6, c7
Derived from
Cervical plexus
2nd intercostal
Medial cord
Axillary nerve
Radial nerve
Radial nerue
Medial cord
Radial nerue
axillary nerve. It supplies the skin covering the
lower half of the deltoid.
3 The lower lateral cutaneous nerzte of the arm (C5, C6)
is a branch of the radial nerve given off in the
radial groove. It supplies the skin of the lower
half of the lateral side of the arm.
4 The intercoptobrachial nerae (T2) is the lateral
cutaneous branch of the second intercostal nerve.
It crosses the axilla, and supplies the skin of the
upper half of the medial and posterior parts of
the arm. It lies amongst the central group of
axillary lymph nodes.
5 The medial cutaneous nerae of the arm (T1, T2) is
the smallest branch of the medial cord of the
brachial plexus.
6 The posterior cutaneous nerrse of the arm (C5) is a
branch of the radial nerve given off in the axilla.
It supplies the skin of the back of the arm from
the insertion of the deltoid to the olecranon.
7 The lateral cutaneous neroe of the forearm (C5, C6)
is the continuation of the musculocutaneous
nerve. It pierces the deep fascia just lateral to the
tendon of the biceps 2-3 cm above the bend of
the elbow, and supplies the skin of the lateral
side of the forearm, extending anteriorly to a
small part of the ball of the thumb.
8 The medial cutaneous nerae of the forearm
(C8, T1) is a branch of the medial cord of the
brachial plexus. It runs along the medial side of
the axillary and brachial arteries, and supplies
the skin of the medial side of the forearm.
9 The posterior cutaneous nerue of the forenrm
(C6{B) arises from the radial nerve, in the radial
groove. It descends posterior to the lateral
epicondyle and supplies the skin of the back of
the forearm.
10 The median nerae gives off two sets of cutaneous
branches in the hand.
a. The palmar cutaneous branch (C6-CB) arises a
short distance aboae the wrist,lies superficial to
flexor retinaculum and supplies skin over the
lateral two-thirds of the palm including that
over the thenar eminence.