Upper lateral cutaneous nerve of arm
Posterior cutaneous nerve of arm
Medial cutaneous nerve of arm
Lower lateral cutaneous nerve of arm
Medial cutaneous nerve of
Posterior cutaneous nerve of forearm
Lateral cutaneous nerve offorearm
Ulnar nerve
Radial nerve
Fig.7.1: The cutaneous nerves
b. Palmar digital branches (C6-C8) are five in
number and arise in the palm. The medial two
branches are common palmar digital nerves;
each divides near a digital cleft to form two
proper palffiar digital nerues. The lateral three
branches are proper palmar digital nerves for
the medial and lateral sides of the thumb and
for the lateral side of the index finger. The
various digital branches of the median nerve
supply palmar skin of the lateral three and a
half digits, the nail beds, and skin on the
dorsal aspect of the distal phalanges of the
same digits.
The ulnar nerae gives off three sets of cutaneous
nerves in hand.
a. The palmar cutaneous branch (C7, C8) arises in
the middle of the forearm and descends,
crossing superficial to flexor retinaculum and
supplies skin of the medial one-third of the
b. The palmnr digital branches of the ulnar nerae
(C7, CB) are two in number. They arise from
the superficial terminal branch of the ulnar
nerve just distal to the pisiform bone. The
medial of the two branches is a proper palmar
digital nerve for the medial side of the little
finger. The lateral branch is a comnon palmar
digital nerve which divides into two proper
digital nerves for supply of adjacent sides of
the ring and little fingers.
c. The dorsal branch of the ulnar nerae
(C7, CB) arises about 5 cm above the wrist. It
descends with the main trunk of the ulnar
nerve almost to the pisiform bone. Here it
passes backwards to divide into three (some-
times two) dorsal digital nerves. Typically, the
region of skin supplied by the dorsal branch
covers the medial half of the back of the hand,
and the skin on the dorsal aspect of the medial
two and a half fingers. Note that the
terminal parts of the dorsal aspect of the digits
are supplied by the mediem nerve as described
12 The superficial terminal branch of the radial nerae
(C6-C8) arises in front of the lateral epicondyle
of the humerus. It descends through the upper
two-thirds of the forearm lateral to the radial
attery, and then passes posteriorly about 7 cm
above the wrist. While winding round the radius
it pierces the deep fascia and divides into four
or five small dorsal digital nerves. In all, the
superficial terminal branch supplies the skin of
the lateral half of the dorsum of the hand, and
the dorsal surfaces of the lateral two and a half
digits including the thumb, except for the
terminal portions supplied by the median nerve.